Having a leap year birthday can put you in a bit a of pickle. Do you only celebrate once every four years? Or does your birthday celebration take place on a different day in the intervening three years? Technically, an 84-year-old born on a Leap Day is only 21 if you count their “actual” birthdays, which means they can finally have their first legal drink 63 years after their peers.

This concept clearly caught the attention of Ryan Reynolds, the actor turned gin mogul, who decided to create an advert for his new brand of Aviation Gin featuring an 84-year-old woman named Arlene imbibing her first “legal drink.” The results are fairly hilarious.

Arlene says she has waited 30,679 days for her first legal drink. “I had seven kids in 10 years, you think sometimes I didn’t want to drink?” she quips in the advert. Take a look below as she enjoys her “first” taste of a refreshing gin and tonic. I think we can all agree — she’s earned it.