For many American grandparents, spending time with their grandchildren brings immense joy and a sense of fulfillment. However, as grandchildren grow and evolve, so does the nature of this relationship. It’s not uncommon for grandparents to notice a change in the level of interest their grandchildren show in spending time with them. 

This shift can be both confusing and disheartening, especially for grandparents who hold family values in high regard. Understanding when and why this change occurs can be crucial for maintaining a strong, meaningful relationship throughout the various stages of a grandchild’s life. In this article, we’ll explore the typical age range when grandchildren may start to lose interest in their grandparents and offer practical advice on how to navigate this challenging period.

The age of change: when grandchildren typically lose interest

A study conducted in Britain assessed the impact of the loss of the grandparent-grandchildren relationship on grandparents. The study uncovered that loss of contact caused symptoms of long-term grief, decreased life quality, and poorer health in both physical and emotional aspects. While the study focused on loss of contact due to family feuds, divorce, and geographical separation, it underscores the emotional significance of the grandparent-grandchild bond.

In the American context, the age at which grandchildren lose interest in grandparents often coincides with adolescence. Generally spanning from ages 12 to 18, this is a period of identity formation and social development. During these years, young people increasingly focus on peer relationships, extracurricular activities, and personal independence. This natural shift in priorities can lead to a reduced interest in family interactions, including time spent with grandparents.

Understanding that this change is a common part of adolescent development can offer some solace. It’s important to adapt to this new phase in your grandchild’s life while finding ways to maintain a meaningful connection.

Ages 12 to 18 is when young people increasingly focus on peer relationships, extracurricular activities, and personal independence which can lead to a reduced interest in family interactions, including time spent with grandparents.

Strategies for keeping the bond strong

While the adolescent years may present challenges in maintaining a close relationship with your grandchildren, there are several strategies that can help keep the bond strong.

Open communication

One of the most effective ways to maintain a meaningful relationship is through open and honest communication. Take the time to talk to your grandchildren about their interests, concerns, and life events. Show genuine interest in their world, and they’re more likely to reciprocate.

Shared interests

Finding common hobbies or activities can serve as a great bonding opportunity. Whether it’s a love for gardening, cooking, or even a particular sport, shared interests provide a natural setting for quality time together.

Quality time

While the frequency of visits may decrease as grandchildren grow older, making the most of the time you do spend together is crucial. Plan activities that are both fun and meaningful, and consider traditions that can be established and looked forward to.

Tech-savvy connection

In today’s digital age, staying connected doesn’t always require physical presence. Learning to use social media platforms, video calls, or even gaming can offer new avenues to stay in touch and be a part of their lives.

By implementing these strategies, you can navigate the challenges that come with your grandchildren’s growing independence while maintaining a fulfilling relationship. It’s all about adapting to their changing needs and finding new ways to connect.

Coping with emotional distance

Even with the best efforts, there may be times when the emotional distance between you and your grandchildren seems to grow. It’s essential to have coping strategies in place for such instances.


First and foremost, it’s crucial to understand that a certain level of emotional distance is a natural part of growing up. Adolescents are navigating a complex world of social dynamics and self-discovery, and this can sometimes lead to less family interaction.


While it’s natural to feel saddened by a weakened bond, remember to take care of yourself. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, whether it’s a hobby, socializing with friends, or volunteering.

Support network

Lean on your support network during these times. Friends who have been through similar experiences can offer valuable insights and emotional support. There are also support groups and online forums where you can share your feelings and seek advice.

Professional help

If the emotional toll becomes too heavy, consider seeking professional help. Therapists and counselors can provide coping mechanisms and offer a safe space to express your feelings.

Understanding that emotional distance can be a phase rather than a permanent state can offer some comfort. The key is to focus on what you can control and find support when needed.

Rekindling the relationship

As grandchildren transition into late adolescence and early adulthood, many experience a renewed interest in their family relationships, including the bond with their grandparents. This period often coincides with significant life events like graduating from college, entering the workforce, or even starting their own families. These milestones can serve as natural catalysts for reconnection. 

Reaching out during these pivotal moments can make a lasting impact. Whether it’s offering words of wisdom, providing emotional support, or simply being there to celebrate their achievements, your involvement can be both meaningful and appreciated. It’s also a time when many young adults begin to value the importance of family history and legacy, providing a rich opportunity to share stories, traditions, and family values that may have been overlooked in earlier years.

The maturity that comes with these life changes often brings a newfound appreciation for the role grandparents play. By seizing these opportunities for reconnection, you can reignite the special bond that may have waned during the challenging adolescent years.


Navigating the evolving relationship with your grandchildren can be challenging but also rewarding. Understanding the natural ebbs and flows of this bond can prepare you for the different phases of their lives. By being proactive and adaptable, you can maintain a fulfilling relationship through the years.